it was a severe experience 意味

  • それはつらい経験だった


        experience severe growing pains:    苦しい成長痛{せいちょう つう}を経験{けいけん}する
        experience severe weight loss:    高度{こうど}の体重減少{たいじゅう げんしょう}が生じる
        severe:     severe adj. 厳しい; 厳粛な. 【副詞】 excessively severe 過度に厳しい I began to experience increasingly severe abdominal pains. 腹部の痛みが次第にひどくなりはじめていた mildly severe hypochondria 少々(など)重い心気症
        severe on:    《be ~》(人)につらく当たる
        severe with:    ~に関して厳しい The problem is most severe with tigers. その問題はトラに関して最も厳しい。
        experience:     experience n. 経験, 見聞, 体験. 【動詞+】 accumulate considerable experience 多くの経験を積む, 場数を踏む We develop our capacities by accumulating the experience of past generations. 過去の世代の人々の経験を蓄積することによって人
        to experience:    to experience 舐める 嘗める なめる 経る へる 受ける うける 感じる かんじる
        with experience:    経験{けいけん}(が蓄積{ちくせき}する)とともに
        at a severe disadvantage:    《be ~》著しく不利{ふり}な立場{たちば}にある
        be severe in marking:    be severe in marking 点が辛い てんがからい
        excessively severe:    過度{かど}に厳しい
        in a severe accident:    ひどい事故{じこ}で
        in a severe state:    《be ~》深刻{しんこく}な[厳しい]状況下{じょうきょう か}にある[いる]
        in severe bouts:    発作{ほっさ}が重症{じゅうしょう}な時に
        in severe cases:    《医》重症例{じゅうしょう れい}では


  1. "it was a ruinous loss to the company" 意味
  2. "it was a ruse to divert responsibility for the accident from himself" 意味
  3. "it was a sad piece of information" 意味
  4. "it was a sensation that was hauntingly familiar" 意味
  5. "it was a serious foreign-policy blunder" 意味
  6. "it was a severe jolt when his wife left him" 意味
  7. "it was a shocking exhibition of greed" 意味
  8. "it was a sight sufficient to strike a chill to the heart of anyone who remembered hitler" 意味
  9. "it was a sight to see" 意味
  10. "it was a sensation that was hauntingly familiar" 意味
  11. "it was a serious foreign-policy blunder" 意味
  12. "it was a severe jolt when his wife left him" 意味
  13. "it was a shocking exhibition of greed" 意味

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